Sunday, December 11, 2011

Priya's First Christmas Pageant

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is childrens' performances.  They are always so sweet and quite entertaining.  So the idea of having my own child finally participate in this special tradition was absolutely thrilling to me.  Priya has been practicing for months with her preschool class to share pieces of the Christmas story and to sing Christmas carols at the school's annual Christmas Pageant.  She's been eager for an outlet for all that she has been learning so she's been serenading shoppers in stores and passersby on walks with her lines and songs for weeks.  Tonight was finally the night when we were able to proudly watch and cheer her on as she took the stage with her friends and classmates to share with us the true reason for the season. 

 Ashish's parents, Ami, Phil, Ashish, Josiah and I waited eagerly for the program to begin.  (On a side's a feeble attempt at capturing Josiah's handsome new look.  It's so cute how he poses for photos now too - he squints his eyes and grins away.  Ahhh he melts my heart.)

**Disclaimer:  I know that there are a lot of videos here.  I certainly don't expect readers to watch all of them.  But I had to preserve the memory of this momentous occasion.

Her halo didn't last very long...

Silent Night

The angel Gabriel appears to Mary (at about 30 seconds in are some of the lines that Priya has been quoting to anyone who would listen over the past few weeks)

Mary and Joseph (or "Jofus" as Priya calls him) were so tired... (she's been quoting this part a ton too)

Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

There was a reception that followed the pageant.  Priya had a blast playing with some of her buddies and I had to try to capture the cuteness. 

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