Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas 2011!  It's been an fun, family-fiilled Christmas this year!  We began our celebrations by attending the Christmas Eve-Eve service with my parents and Ashish's parents on December 23 (unfortunately the photo with Ashish's parents didn't turn out).

After church we went to see Christmas lights (sorry, no pics of this adventure).  Our first stop was probably the best light display in Redding.  It was set to music and was fantastic again this year.  As we drove by Priya asked me the cutest question...  "Mommy, is this heaven?"  She was obviously quite impressed.

On December 24 we celebrated Christmas "Indian style" with Ashish's side of the family.  He cooked a fantastic chicken biriyani meal for us.
And we shared our gifts with each other that night.  Both kids were thrilled.  It is such a different experience enjoying Christmas when you have kids.  Seeing it through their eyes - and seeing Priya understand more deeply the true meaning of Christmas - was an absolutely priceless experience.

On Christmas morning we ventured over to my parents' home for gifts and brunch in the morning.  Jon, Jenetta, Ohana and Lynn Ann drove up last night so we were blessed to be able to spend this special time with them.

Josiah was thrilled with his gift from Grammy and Papa Penner!
And Priya of course got in on the fun as well.  Oh how I love watching the two of them play together and to see their growing friendship.
Ohana got a special personalized book that Grandpa read to her...
And Lynn got a special personalized book too that Grammy read.
Josiah got a special personalized book too!  Thanks Uncle Jon and Aunt Jenetta!

All the gift giving and unwrapping had Priya tuckered out so she made a bed for herself on the kitchen floor (she was actually not feeling very well today and was pretty quiet and reserved).
Grandpa enjoyed playing with one of Priya's gifts - Lace and Trace Cards.
Lynn Ann made some fantastic tea for me.
Jon was quite sick but was a trooper and did his best to be with the family as much as he was physically able.

We visited the home of Ashish's parents and Ami and Phil in the afternoon (didn't have my camera) and then came back to my parents' home again for dinner.  The Christians and McCutcheons joined us and we all had a great time together.

The next two videos are for Oma and the Manitoba family.  Grandpa is quite thrilled to have the next generation of halvah lovers in the family.  The kids went NUTS when he pulled the box out after dinner!

A kiss from Josiah...  I was also trying to get him say his newest cute saying - apple juice.  Unfortunately I haven't captured it yet but it's pure adorableness!  He is trying so hard to communicate with us right now - and gets so frustrated when he can't get it out or we don't understand him.

Ohana and Lynn Ann got dolls for Christmas and named them both Ella (Emily and Joel, aren't you proud?).  After hearing the name many times Josiah finally said "Ella" quite perfectly today.  Sadly I didn't capture it on video.  But he's still cute so here's one last video...


  1. emily and i (joel) are laughing that dad said in the halva video "put it on facebook so oma can see it." Oma on facebook now?

  2. No, she's not on Facebook but she was with Aunt Marge and Stacey and they have fb so Dad was hoping Oma would be able to see it on their computer.
