Friday, September 2, 2011

SURVIVOR - Simpson Style!

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  Well, not completely at least...  I've been quite busy these past few weeks preparing for and executing SLOW 2011 (Student Life Orientation Week).  It was a ton of work but I think it all paid off.  We had a Survivor theme and were able to incorporate it throughout the week of training through media (videos and music), initiatives (team building activities that we referred to as Reward Challenges and Immunity Challenges), the students were divided into tribes and distinguished by the color of their buffs and we even had Tribal Council (where we voted for people who exhibited specific leadership qualities throughout each day rather than vote people off).  We camped (getting off campus for training for the first time in about 6 years), made tribal flags and were able to do quite a bit of training and team building in the midst of it all.  My sister-in-law, Jenetta, even designed a logo for us!  (Thanks Jenetta!)

Here's a glimpse of what we experienced:

Our first Reward Challenge...

Tribal Council...

 A special visit from the family (which totally made my day!)...  And yes, that's the tent I slept in behind us.

 Reward Challenges on the 2nd day...

 Preparing meals for 49 people outdoors is no simple undertaking...
 Immunity Challenge (a 3-part race - phase 1 involved swimming across the lake, one tribe member at a time to gather puzzle pieces)...

 Phase 2 involved some tribe members being blindfolded and following verbal instructions from one tribe member to locate the appropriate puzzle pieces for their tribe.  And then phase 3 involved 1 tribe member putting the puzzle (a tangram) together.

 The Commuter Life team won!
 Testimonies and worship by the lake on the last morning.

 And then back to lunch for lunch where families joined us and Josiah was able to play with his friend Georgia (they are 1 week apart in age).  Georgia is the daughter of my boss, Joe Slavens and the sister of Bella and Lucy (some of Priya's good buddies).
 Priya was happy to have her Mommy home again (and the feeling was definitely mutual!). :)

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