Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thankful for God's Protection

This morning when I went to get Priya up I was met with quite a surprise - Priya greeting me at the door to her bedroom!  Yes, you read that right!  Somehow our little monkey managed to climb OUT of her crib!  Let me back up a bit...

I woke up around 7:30 and a few minutes later heard Priya chattering quietly.  She will often wake up and go back to sleep in the morning and then get up around 9am.  I looked through the little peephole in her door (yep, we are lucky to have one and are thankful for the opportunity to spy on her) and I saw her lying in her crib.  She chattered happily for a while and then quieted down again.  About an hour Priya was still quiet and I went about getting ready for the day.  As I was doing my hair I heard a loud bang.  My first thought was that it was a noise from a dorm room above (definitely not uncommon around here).  I continued to hear banging noises that were indeed from above (but not nearly as loud), but I went to look through the peephole once again to make sure that Priya was ok.  I saw what appeared to be our little girl pulling back the curtain behind her crib and looking out the window (a common sight in the morning) so I quickly went back to finish doing my hair.  She was again chattering happily and I hadn't heard any crying, so I assumed that all was well.  But something in me was unsettled and I kept thinking about what would happen if Priya somehow escaped from her crib.  I kept thinking about all the ways that she could get into trouble in her room and was going through various scenarios in my mind.  I finally decided to go into her room.  She was still chatting quietly  When I opened the door she greeted me with the most enormous grin on her face.  I was dumbfounded!  How in the world did she do it?!

Upon further inspection I noticed that not only had she become an impressive escape artist, she had also gotten into all sorts of trouble - including playing with 2 coins that were in her mouth!!!!  Thankfully I was able to get them out of her mouth before she swallowed them or choked.  She had pulled numerous items out of her closet and made a huge mess all over her room!  Fortunately she didn't appear to have any bruises, bumps or cuts on her.  I'm still checking her diapers to see if anything strange passes through but I'm hoping that she didn't actually swallow anything.  So far so good... :)

I spent much of the rest of the day thanking God for His protection of our precious little girl.  So many things could have happened to her today!  She could have hit her head on the table next to her crib where I am assuming she got out or seriously hurt herself falling out of the crib.  I'm stil shocked that she didn't even seem to cry!  She didn't choke on anything.  The bathroom door was closed so fortunately she didn't go for a swim in the toilet.  So many things could have gone wrong, but she was just fine!  I don't know what I would have done if something had happened.  I'm just so unbelievably thankful for God's hand of protection over our little Priya.


  1. yikes.

    Can you put bars on the top of the crib? :)

  2. Actually, Jenetta, she can! There's such a thing as a crib tent. My freind got one to keep her daughter safe from her older brother. I don't know if you need one of those though. All I can say is, welcome to toddler-hood! And yes I'm glad she's okay. :)

  3. So part of me thought of Elliot and I got a tinge of fear that he might do the same thing and part of me was laughing at our sweet Priya and how clever she is. Did you take pictures of the mess she made? I do this often with Elliot. It helps me focus on the times ahead that I'll look back and laugh.

    We sat on the left side near the tables this Sunday hoping to find you and sit with you at church, but I didn't see you. Did you say the right side? Shoot. Oh well. :)

    Very happy Priya is safe and you are sane. All my smiles and prayers.
