Saturday, February 28, 2009

Congratulations Ashish!

Ashish had a major accomplishment today!  He found out that he passed his Biology final with flying colors!  It has been a bit of an uphill battle for him thus far and there was a time when we both wondered if he was in over his head (32 units is a bit much!).  But he has persevered and has fought his way through this challenging course and has now come out on top!  He also wrapped up his math class today, so it's a double victory!  Congratulations Ashish!  Priya and I are very, very proud of you and love you very much!

Congratulation graphics


  1. Nicely done Ashish! Eric is plowing his way through his first semester back at school in over a decade. We'll have to party together when he is done in May. :) Congrats!

  2. My dearest Brother!!
    Am very very proud of you and i believe that you are very hard worker man!!!!and i could see your bright missionary heart and servanthood heart for the people.May God use you for his kingdom
    Congratulation!!!! All my best wishes and prayers is with you.
    May God bless is you with lots of wonders
    Your Sis.
