Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thoroughly enjoying my summer break

It's been a week now that I've been away from work and I have to say that I am loving all of the quality time I've been getting with my kiddos.  Ashish is back at school taking an intense class that keeps him studying most of the day and in class or labs Mon-Thurs from 6-10pm.  But he manages to pop in throughout the day for some quality time as well (he even helped fold the laundry and vacuumed our apartment).  Priya and I have been doing a lot of preschool type activities (she's out of preschool for the summer while I'm not working) so we've been painting, collaging, working on phonics and having fun play time with Josiah.  Priya has also been doing an amazing job at riding her bike (with training wheels).  I've yet to capture a good photo or video of it, but that will be coming soon.  Here's a glimpse of some of the fun we've been having.

There is so much sibling love in our home.  I love it!!!

Josiah is becoming increasingly chatty and verbal these days.  He said the word "no" two times a few weeks ago but hasn't uttered any specific words apart from that.  He's experimenting with all sorts of sounds and pitches as well.

Josiah has been mastering the skill of sitting up on his own.  He's made it 2 minutes without falling so far.  Here's a small clip of a recent attempt.  Please note, no babies were harmed in the making of this video...

We've been enjoying some quality time with Ami Fui.

And never tire of Priya's growing language abilities and comedic antics.  She put this ensemble together and pretended that she was on a trip and had just flown in from Hawaii.

Priya has made friends with two little girls that live in the same apartment complex as Ashish's parents and Ami and Phil.  They are from Bangladesh and speak only Bengali but that hasn't stopped them from having fun playing together.

And Josiah attempted to hold a conversation with us.