Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun At The Park

On my days off I love to take Priya to fun places and do something special. And with Mom and Dad heading back to Canada tomorrow we wanted to soak up some extra time with them and enjoy the pleasure of their company. So we headed off to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather and Priya's enthusiastic responses to everything that the park offers a young child. (Ashish was working so he wasn't able to join us.)Priya continues to be enamored with cats, so the opportunity to play with a "kitty" was a welcome surprise for our young cat lover...

I wasn't able to capture Priya's enthusiasm when swinging today, so you'll have to take my word that she loved (almost) every minute of it. "Higher! Higher!" is something that we regularly hear as soon as Priya gets settled into a swing...

Priya has recently latched on to the word, "hallellujah" and loves to exclaim it any chance she gets. Below is a glimpse of Priya expressing her hallellujah's as we were wrapping up our time at the park. She made some new friends at the park as well but I try not to film other kids - especially if they are strangers and we don't know the parents/have permission from them.


  1. I can't believe you are corrupting her with cat love :) She is too funny with her hallelujahs. I love that kids just say whatever they are thinking and it's okay. Nobody looks at them funny.

  2. Hi
    Congratulations!!!! I guess I'm a little behind on the blogs and just saw your special announcement today.
    Happy for all of you and wish you ALL the best as you plan/wait/prepare for your new addition!!
    Love you all,
    Aunt Margaret
