Friday, October 9, 2009

Way to go, Priya!

Priya began a new journey today - potty training! We've been getting ready for this for a while. She's been role playing with her dolls and stuffed animals - going back and forth between changing their diapers and having them use their little potty. Priya has become increasingly interested in the subject and sitting on her potty has been a game for her. But she's had never actually gone potty in it - until today!

I have a long weekend (Columbus Day) so I have Friday and Monday off. I've been waiting for a solid stretch of time where I could be consistent with her and this was it. So our adventure began this morning. And finally, just before putting her down for her nap, she took the plunge! And boy oh boy was she ever proud of herself! Her mommy was pretty proud of her too!

Way to go, Priya!