Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Meeting of 2 Cousins

I am happy to report that Priya and I are safely in Greenville, IL and are extremely happy to be here! Overall the trip was a good one but we were really relieved once we had finally arrived at Joel, Emily & Ella's home at about 2am this morning. Priya and I tried to catch up on our sleep today but also managed to get in some great quality time with family. It was amazing to see Priya and Ella meet for the first time. I'll be sure to share more as the days unfold. Be sure to check out Joel & Emily's blog too for more pics and videos (pennerblog.blogspot.com)!

1 comment:

  1. cuties! how fun that must be for you all. :) Sibling relationships take on a whole new meaning once you both enter the stage of parenting. Enjoy!
