I'm curious to see how Priya will respond in the future - and whether or not she will have any kind of emotional reaction - to songs that she regularly heard as an infant. Currently she seems to have a thing for Stevie Wonder - although she also had a preference for Third Day at one point as well!
Jon (my awesome brother) gave me a CD about a year ago that I happened to be listening to a great deal over the Christmas holidays while driving in my car. There is one song in particular on this CD that seems to be a favorite for Priya - "As" by Stevie Wonder. She can be fussing up a storm in her carseat, but whenever I put that song on, she is completely quiet and content! I've tried switching to various radio stations and her fussing will resume as soon as something OTHER than Stevie Wonder is playing. And then as soon as I turn her song back on she is quiet & happy once again. It's rather humorous to me.
What is it about this song that she likes so much? And how many hundreds of times can I listen to it before I begin to hate it? Welcome to the world of putting your child's needs before your own. :)
This is so awesome. I'll share it with David. He'll get a kick out of Priya's response!