Monday, January 7, 2008

Priya Finds Her Thumb

Priya continues to bless us immensely!  I never imagined that I would love being a mom this much (especially now that we've made it through the colicky phase!).  I was never much of a baby person, but everyone that told me it would be different with my own was more right than I ever expected!  

Priya was absolutely delightful today!  She laughed and giggled more than I've ever heard her before!  It brought so much joy to my heart to see her laughing with others as well - and not screaming when someone other than Mommy held her!  :)  

Priya has also found her thumb!  She has been sucking her hands like mad since the teething began about a month ago, but Friday night she found her thumb and has been sucking away ever since.  It's so cute to see her trying to coordinate her movements to successfully get it into her mouth.  Who knew that we could be so proud of such simple things?! :)

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