Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Preschool Open House

Our baby girl is growing up so quickly!  I can't believe that she's almost 4 years old!!

Priya started preschool again last week at a Christian school here in town and absolutely loves it (she attended from January through May last year)!  She's in a new class with two new teachers - Miss Barbara and Miss Patsy.  After her first day of school she came home and excitedly proclaimed, "I love my school!  I love my new teachers!  And I made five new friends!"  

Last year was bit tougher for her as she was still adjusting to having to share the spotlight with a new baby at home, me going back to work after being home with her full time for 6 months and her starting school (which of course was a completely new experience).  But that seems to be a thing of the past.  There are some familiar faces in her new class and some new friends that she is really excited about.  It looks like we're off to a very good year!  She will be attending 3 half-days per week (same as last year).

Tonight Priya, Josiah and I attended an open house at her school (sadly Ashish had to work so he wasn't able to make it).  It was great to have some extra time to talk with her teachers and to meet some of the other key figures in Priya's preschool life.  She proudly showed me where she likes to play, where they do crafts, some of the art work she has done, where they go to chapel, and the gym where they play.  She whipped up quite a meal for Josiah and me in the kitchen below as well. :)

 These are Priya's teachers.  Miss Barbara is on the left and Miss Patsy is on the right.  She adores them!


How do kids have so much energy?!  It is mind boggling sometimes!  Priya had a blast playing in the gym.  She ran circles around the gym for an amazingly long time. 

Tonight was a wonderful opportunity to see the world through our sweet daughter's eyes.  We couldn't be happier with the school, the teachers and especially with the contribution to a foundation of faith in Priya's heart and mind.  It's hard to see her growing up so quickly and to see the years slipping through our fingers, but we are so grateful for these positive influences in Priya's life that are helping to shape her future.

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