Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday, Priya!

It's official!  Priya is now 4 years old!  Seriously, how in the world did that happen?!  Has it really been 4 years already?!

Last night we had a small family party for Priya.

And this morning she got to celebrate with her classmates at school.  I was able to join her for a couple of hours this morning as well and had the chance to catch a glimpse of what school is like for her.

They made her a purple crown (her favorite color), sang "Happy Birthday" and ate cupcakes that we brought to share.

In typical Priya fashion, she ate the frosting and left the cake.
The birthday party was followed by group time where Miss Patsy read a few stories and then they got to rotate through several different activity/craft stations.

Then it was time for Group Time once again before lunch and my departure to head back to work.

It was wonderful to share the morning with my sweet girl, to get to know some of her friends a bit more, and to celebrate her birthday with her class.  We have one final birthday event coming up this Sunday so stay tuned for another update soon...