Monday, September 24, 2012

Canada Road Trip

At the end of July (the 25-29th to be exact) we took a quick road trip up to BC.  My parents were in the process of selling their condo (which they sold while we were visiting) and preparing to move down to Redding.  I hadn't been to BC in about 4 years so, although the trip was short, it was great to enjoy some time with some old friends and to experience Vancouver with Ashish's parents, Ami and Phil.  It was a special time with a lot of great memories made.  Here's a glimpse of our trip.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, when did you do your BC trip? Did you all drive down to help your parents with their move? Was this the first time your in laws were in Canada? Looks like your kids love their auntie and uncle - very sweet. thank you for posting! I always look forward to reading and seeing pictures of your life.

    AND our boys really do need to meet :)
    Tanya :)
