Ashish's parents arrived from India this week! It's been so much fun to see them experience and get to know their granddaughter all over again! Priya was 6 months old when they last saw her and was a very different little girl! She was a bit shy at first but by the end of the 1st day she was hugging and kissing them and thoroughly enjoying having them here!
Day 1:
Day 2: They spent some quality time alone with Priya and babysat her while Ashish and I were in class/working.
Day 3: We went to a Family Festival here on campus this morning/afternoon. Priya got to jump in 2 different bounce houses, slide on bouncy slides, and even got her face painted for the 1st time. We enjoyed watching it all unfold. :)
Soooo glad it's going well, and they are here safely!