Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fun Day At The Park

We've had a lot of rain around here lately so between being sick and the weather keeping us indoors, Priya has had a bit of cabin fever. Today we made a little trek out to the park and Priya & I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Below Priya takes a stab at the steps to the slide for the first time. She proudly made it to the top!

Priya also made some new friends - including another half Indian, half Caucasian boy who lives in my parents' neighborhood. They played with her and she had a great time throwing the basketball around.
After our time at the park we stopped in for a quick visit with Ashish. Priya saw him through the window as we were walking into the building and gleefully exclaimed, "Dada! Dada!" We had fun walking and running up and down the hallway. Oh yes, good times! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun looking park! I'm glad you two were able to get out and enjoy the weather!

    That was me a foodmaxx today...too bad I missed ya. Getting together for coffee sounds like a good idea, with the two petite girls playing together! Should be fun :)

    Oh, and thanks for the comments! Talk with you soon!
